Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Children's Fund of Abkhazia expresses indignation at the exclusion of Abkhazia from the list of countries invited to Turkey for the International Children's Festival

 The Children's Fund of Abkhazia expresses deep indignation with regard to the fact that participation of the children's dance ensemble "Abaza" in the international children's festival, to be held April 23, 2013 in the Republic of Turkey in memory to hold the first of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, due to the unacceptable political conditions made,  the children's ensemble will not be able to participate  equally with other children of the world in this celebration.
The politicization of children's cultural or sporting events that are humanitarian in nature and contribute to the harmonious development of the child, is inadmissible and  unacceptable, as it violates human rights and children, as reflected in all  international human rights declarations and conventions..
Children of Abkhazia have the right to a happy childhood. They are entitled to all the rights and freedoms provided for in all these documents.
We would like to draw the attention of the international community to  the  repeated violations of the rights of children of   Abkhazia to participate in the international cultural events that take place. These violations are  promoted by the  government of Georgia, which is implementing the  policy of isolation  and discrimination against the  children of Abkhazia and deprives them of the right to  a full development.

The Children's Fund of Abkhazia.




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